Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wait for it.....

Quail logo idea
  Ok folks! I have failed you already!  So soon you might be thinking.  Well, yes, of course.  I was silly to think that I could make a projector screen over a holiday weekend.   Some of my relatives showed up out of the blue for Easter weekend and although it was great to see them but I was planning to do the screen that day.  Awash were my dreams of testing out and posting my masterpiece that night.  The next day was no different with it being Easter and all.  So, I began feeling discouraged.

  Instead I posted some pictures on Instagram and Facebook of the doodles I was doing for the header for  Well, unfortunately inspiration never struck and all of the ideas (though mostly well received) fell flat.  So, here's the plan kiddies, a short and simple, "this is what I came up with" tutorial for making an outdoor projector screen by Saturday.  At this point who knows if I shall succeed in this or even start this endeavor but if not the screen than something.  Talk to you later and keep on Crafting!

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