Sunday, June 30, 2013


  Have you ever heard of Decoden?  Me neither but apparently I have seen it before.  You have too probably.  It's of the Japanese-Kawaii style of decadence often of the very soft, girly, sparkly over abundance sort of way.  I have recently done a little bit of internet stalking of Decoden tutorials and styles.  Of course I am under exaggerating.  I was up until 3:30AM the other night searching clay art, gluing techniques, and of course what others have done in the world of Decoden.  It's gaudy and absolutely fascinating.  Look it up yourself and you will see what I mean.  At this point I have far too many ideas in my head to even begin at this point.  I suppose I am afraid of having an over abundance of cell phone and iPod cases I don't really need.  Though I have decided to make them anyway because you only get good with practice and I am really starting to like this tacky stuff.  I spent so many years trying to be sleek, elegant, and nerdy, I plan to change all of that in one fail Decoden swoop. 
  Luckily I already have a bit of polymer clay and beads but there are some things that are still needed and techniques I still need to learn.  But, I have come up with some really cool ideas that are a little more geek themed than all the hello kitty/desert themed.  (although I really want a food themed one Te-He!)

Here is an image, just a taste of what you would find online with more prodding into the world of Decoden.

Here are some websites and videos/tutorials I have found helpful in my search for information.  Since I will never be able to scratch the surface that fills this world I will let some of these websites do it for me.

Any comments about Decoden leave them below.

Thanks for reading and keep up the crafts kiddos.

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