Friday, May 10, 2013

Reuse for Contact Cases

Do you have an over abundance of contact cases cluttering your drawers? 
 Me neither, but I did have a few empty never to be used cases that I couldn't bear to toss. I knew there had to be something of use there. There was. I used to be a big believer in giant purses but recently I had found that all the extra bulk was far to cumbersome. When I would go to the Cherry Auction (a local swap meet in Fresno, CA) or running around checking out the yard sales I found that my shoulder just can't take the weight. So, I've found a super cute teeny-tiny purse and had to condense all of the "necessities" I would carry in it. 
Ok, here comes the list of things to do with your empty contact case:
  1. Fill with lotion (personal I put some moisturizer into one side and lotion in the other)
  2. Put pills for the go (I have a few allergies and I get headaches so those were my go to pills)
  3. Double reuse, you could slowly fill up the container with the bit of leftover Chapstick that won't roll out enough to use.
  4. Vaseline and Neosporin
Ok, so I think you get the idea. 
Consider customizing the cases with nail polish on the caps, or googly eyes on the caps might be a good way to cheer you up when you need the Neosporin. So, have fun with it and make it your own.
(If you aren't particularly artsy but want a cute case, I found these at Target in the $1 section of the store.)
Comment below with any other ideas or opinions.
So thanks for reading and keep on crafting.

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