Wednesday, May 28, 2014

No time

Sorry to disappoint, but I didn't craft at all. The three day weekend got away from me.
I didn't even take any pictures of the curtains I put up.  I promise to have something good on Sunday. 
So, hope to see you then.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Seasonal Logos

Just wanted you all to see some logo updates. Love ya'll, see yah soon!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Polymer clay Hair

I have obviously been getting into my clay work but I don't have much time to do it.  So, one charm which takes 30 minutes takes days to do just because I don't get to it.  My polymer clay charms have gotten a lot better.  It helps to have good clay, (Premo) but it also requires technique.  I found this technique on Youtube.  Check it out.
Once you have a good hairline you can add any sort of embellishment.  The hairline assures you won't have base clay show through like you would if you tried to lay down singular strands. 
Second try at Jack Burton.  Hope you like it... His weapon has gotten way to big but his face is better.  His hair still needs a lot of work.
Hope to see you Wednesday. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

A very poor attempt at a Jack Burton Charm

Big Trouble in Little China is one of my favorite films.  I tried to honor it with a clay charm... but, I don't think it is quite coming out.  Here you go.  Fresh out of the toaster oven.
P.S. It's unglazed... yuck.
YUCK AGAIN!  But, I do like the idea.  and my weaponry has gotten a lot better.  I think.
Thanks for coming by.  See you again on Sunday.

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Easy Discount Decor

My husband has been working on his "Man Cave" and I am helping a little in the way of how he decorates.  He wanted to put up some of the covers from his Entertainment weeklies so we got some cheap frames at 99 Cent only Stores and choose some of his favorite covers.  We cut them to size then put then up.  They give elegance to something toss away and I even like the address bar adds something more quaint to the covers.

Thanks for coming by.  Hope this helps you spice up a room.  Maybe even use a page from your favorite magazine, Parenthood, Taste of Home, maybe Hot Rod Magazine.
Hope to see you soon. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Chewy Predicament

Chewbacca, or AKA Chewy has been a bit of a dilemma for me.  First off, I love the cuddly ones, Ewoks, Chewbacca, the like but they are also the toughest for me as an artist.  I really don't practice any of my craft enough so when it comes to Polymer clay and a fluffy type character I really am stuck on how to do it justice and in my own design.  For example, I have been extremely inspired by a few adorable charms I have found online.  Let me show you first.
This is one I found on Pinterest.
 Now here's mine.  I have not gotten a handle on it.
Super epic fail!  Looks like a sloth.
See you again soon and maybe next time there will be a better version of a Wookie.

Sunday, May 4, 2014

"May the Fourth" be with you

Hey Kids!
Love Star Wars.  LOVE STAR WARS!!!  I don't have it memorized like some because I am an all around geek!  I love all things nerdy.  But, I did just find out about May the Fourth being Star Wars day.  Get it?  "may the forth"-force be with you. HA!
Any how.  I made a few little charms while watching the original trilogy.  Here they are.
I did a Chewbacca charm too but wasn't able to finish it with glaze and all.  I'll show it off by Wednesday. 
See you guys Wednesday.
I hope.  Going to my first motorcycle training course and it's until 11PM.  So, it might be a late post.